First and foremost this clan is a group of people aiming to play a game for fun.
These rules are to try and avoid the time we all escape from the real world, becoming a drama.
No Blocking of members in PSN, you don’t have to talk to people you don’t get on with but blocking them actively excludes clan members from activities and conversation.
No Muting of players in a chat unless a specific activity (competitive PVP for example) is being undertaken, in which case please make it known, OR setup a separate chat for the players of that activity.
DO join chats that are “mostly” clan members, often activities are started from members of a chat, if your not involving yourself with other members you might miss activities
Don’t black ball a member (especially new ones) for the above. if a clan member joins a chat and its not one for clan activities Be polite!
Do Communicate, the clan is about sharing info and plans, but keep it sane. The clan isn’t google.
Do use other resources for activities, Try clan members – Friends of the clan – LFG – Destiny fireteams – etc
Clan chats and parties should be kept to banter, Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Admins will publicly warn members for a first offence and exclude for further incidences. (be aware severe incidences might result in an instant kick)
Leaving the clan :- please be aware if you leave the clan, there is no automatic re-entry. If you do choose to leave us, please explain why to an admin. We hope we are a progressive clan and would like to understand any reasons why people are leaving.